clock on bedstand, woman in the background stretching on bed, looking out window

How to be Productive at Home

Apr 9, 2020

If you’re not classified as an essential worker (and let’s hear it for them!), you’re likely spending most of your day at home right now. While the extra time with family or opportunity to hone a new skill are unexpected benefits, staying motivated and productive at home can still be a challenge. Whether you’re working, juggling new childcare demands, or just trying to stay engaged more generally, read ahead for tips on how to stay focused and present. 


Working With Little Ones: 

If you’re working from home while also caring for young children, hats off to you! The University of Miami has some great suggestions for navigating this change while also remaining positive & realistic about the shift in routine. The article recommends being flexible, taking advantage of free resources for kids online and to find the silver lining in it all - more time with our families. 


Setting the Stage:

Creating the right environment for productivity at home is key. Designating a dedicated office space or area for productivity can be essential for getting work done. Try clearing your work space free of clutter and finding a spot that provides adequate lighting. Gather all your materials-- pens, electronics, headphones, etc.-- together in one spot so that everything you need is immediately accessible to you. For inspiration, check out New York Magazine’s The Strategist website for a list of items they find helpful for a home work space. 


Maintaining a Routine: 

Adhering to a schedule for yourself or your family can be helpful for maintaining order within your day. Start small with something like making your bed every day. Following whatever your typical morning routine is can be helpful for instilling a much-needed sense of normalcy in your activities. Real Simple stresses the importance of limiting your hours of productivity as well. Making a clear distinction between hours meant for “getting things done” and hours meant for relaxing is important for keeping balance in your life.


At-Home Projects:

Taking care of your home can be a great way to reset your space and keep yourself busy during this time. Start with organizing your bedroom closet. Creating order in your wardrobe can help provide a sense of calm and the items you no longer need can be donated to help others in the future. The Queen of Tidying herself, Marie Kondo, has some expert tips on how to find order in these unique times here


Give Yourself a Break:

Taking the time to briefly disconnect from whatever you’re working on can help you refocus. Step away from your projects with a cup of tea or coffee. Allow yourself one twenty minute episode of whatever TV show you’re watching. Schedule time for a brief chat to catch-up with a co-worker or friend. Sneaking in a quick home workout can also be great for recharging or check out this video for a mini meditation. 

While finding strategies to be more productive are everywhere right now, it’s also helpful to remember that taking care of yourself and your loved ones always comes first. Adjusting to our new normal may mean an adjustment in productivity. Understanding these limitations and working within them is important for finding peace within these changing times. All of us at Monarc are committed to helping you stay safe and healthy!